Saturday September 5 Meet

Post date: Sep 01, 2020 10:28:6 PM

The meet Saturday September 5 will be at Belvidere High School. THERE ARE NO SPECTATORS ALLOWED.

There will be 4 races. Girls varsity at 9. Boys Varsity at 10, Girls JV at 11 and Boys JV at 12.

Since there are no spectators, we were hoping that the athletes could stay for the day and cheer their teammates on. Girls Varsity Should arrive at 7:45 and everyone else by 8:30.. If athletes are not JV boys they should be done by 12:30. Athletes who have other commitments could be excused after their cool down(approximately 30 minutes after their race ends)

If you need help with transportation let us know. It is possible we could take a short bus from Boylan. It would leave at 7 am and return at 1:30. Contact Coach Schmitt ASAP if you need to take the bus so that we can reserve them.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Full Meet details are attached.